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Home / Parameter adjustment of peanut roasting machine is very important

Parameter adjustment of peanut roasting machine is very important

Peanut roasting machine is a common processing equipment, which is used to roast peanuts. In practice, in order to obtain ideal roasting effect, it is necessary to adjust the parameters of the peanut roaster.

KL-1 Commercial Peanut Roaster
KL-1 Commercial Peanut Roaster

The following will introduce the parameter adjustment method of peanut roasting machine.

1. Hot air temperature

Hot air temperature is one of the key parameters affecting peanut roasting effect. In general, higher hot air temperature can make peanuts reach the required roasting degree faster, but if the temperature is too high, it may lead to premature browning of the peanut surface and incomplete ripening of the inside. Therefore, when adjusting the hot air temperature, it is necessary to set it reasonably according to the types of peanuts, water content and other factors.

2. Roasting time

Roasting time is another important parameter affecting peanut roasting effect. Usually, a longer roasting time can make peanuts more evenly heated, but if the time is too long, it may lead to peanut deterioration or excessive browning. Therefore, when adjusting the roasting time, it is necessary to set it reasonably according to the size and water content of peanuts, and it is generally recommended to be between 20-30 minutes.

3. Turning frequency

In the process of peanut roasting, proper turning can make peanuts more evenly heated and avoid local excessive browning. Therefore, when using the peanut roasting machine, it is necessary to adjust the turning frequency appropriately according to the specific situation, and it is generally recommended to turn it every 5-10 minutes.

4. Adjust the wind speed

Wind speed is also one of the important factors affecting the uniformity of peanut roasting. Proper wind speed can make peanuts heated more evenly, but if the wind speed is too large, it may lead to problems such as uneven heating on the surface of peanuts. Therefore, when using the peanut roasting machine, it is necessary to adjust the wind speed appropriately according to the specific situation, and it is generally recommended to be between 2 and 4 levels.

French customer purchased one set of our sesame roasting machine
French customer purchased one set of our sesame roasting machine

In a word, the parameter adjustment of peanut roasting machine is a complex and important work, and it is necessary to determine the appropriate parameters according to the actual situation to ensure the high-quality peanut products. Only by constantly adjusting and optimizing the parameters can we realize the efficient processing and high-quality production of peanut products.

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